Authors@Google Talk - The Work Revolution

Work that Matters - Starting a Work Revolution

Real Recognition Radio - What is the #1 Leadership Skill?
The Work Revolution Summit Event - Creating a Cure for Doing Work You Hate

Winning Edits Expert Interview Series - Google Culture for Writers: How Julie Clow’s Work Revolution Promotes High Achievement

TheSelfEmployed.com - 5 Surprising Tips To Create Your Own Work Revolution
Location180: Build a business, live anywhere, achieve freedom.
Location180 - How to Get More Value and Enjoyment Out of Your Day Job

CNBC Small Business Guest Column - What Small Business Can Learn From Google

Consumerism Commentary - Podcast 155: The Work Revolution

Idea Mensch - Julie Clow – Author of The Work Revolution
CNBC Bullish on Books: The New Cubicle Revolution

Aubrey Daniels, Ph.D., author of four best-selling books, including OOPS! 13 Management Practices That Waste Time & Money and What To Do Instead

Kevin Kruse, co-author of the NY Times bestseller, We: How to Increase Performance and Profits Through Full Engagement

Thriving organizations will be the ones that focus on impact not activities, energy not schedules, strengths not job titles, and the right things not everything. Buy a copy of this book for all your managers, or get ready to be left behind.”
Tony Bingham, President & CEO, American Society for Training and Development

Tamara J. Erickson, Author of What's Next, Gen X? Keeping Up, Moving Ahead, and Getting the Career You Want

Elliott Masie, Chair, The Learning CONSORTIUM

Peter L. Allen, Ph.D., M.B.A.
former Director, Google University (Google, Inc.)
former Director, Google University (Google, Inc.)

The Work Revolution is a throw-out-the-rulebook manifesto for everyone - from front-line managers to CEOs - who believes that empowering employees is the best way to unleash potential. Not every company can stop tracking vacation time or offer free, lavish organic meals: but every company can and should take a look at itself to see where it is wasting time, energy, and good will, and try fresh thinking and new approaches to getting the best out of their employees’ hearts and minds.
A handbook to the new economy, Clow’s book should be a part of the mental and management library of organizations across the employment spectrum.”